Musings on the World of Vinyl
Click on a blog post to read more. And be sure to visit our YouTube channel for tips & techniques on vinyl.
Top 10 Headbangers: The Best Metal Albums of all Time
By Steffen Smith
From pissed off parents to freaked out youth group leaders, the doom-laden beast that is Heavy Metal frightens them all. From Thrash and Speed Metal to the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, it’s a genre that has had heads banging...
Another Rip in The Wall: 3 Ways to Fix a Torn Album Cover
By Steffen Smith
Almost as bad as a scratched record is a tattered and torn album cover (or jacket or sleeve, if you call it that). It not only looks bad, but it can also torpedo the value of a collectible record. In particular,...
The 10 Greatest Psychedelic Albums of the ’60s
By Steffen Smith
The Deaf Man was born about 12 years too late to be a full-fledged, Woodstock-going hippie. But he was definitely a tie-dye wearing, VW-bus-driving freak-boy back in the day. So, psychedelic music has always been close to my heart. Still love it, still listen to it. And here are some of the records that, in my opinion, have stood the test of time (and most are available in our store). -
Inner Liners: How to Keep Your Clean Records Clean
By Steffen Smith
Putting your clean record back into a dusty old inner sleeve is like lathering up with a fresh bar of Irish Spring, taking a nice hot shower ... and then putting back on that nasty pair of sweats you’ve been...
The 10 Greatest Live Albums of All Time
By Steffen Smith
There’s nothing like a live album to capture the energy and excitement of your favorite band. That said, concert albums can be a mixed bag. The sound can be weak, and some of them are actually “live-ish,” having been tweaked and sweetened back in the studio. The best ones catch the band at their best, with extended jams and fresh energy. These are some of the Deaf Man’s favorites: -
How to Set Tracking Force On Your Turntable
By Steffen Smith
Stylus pressure, or tracking force as it is sometimes called, is simply the weight, or force, placed on your stylus as it rides down in the grooves of your vinyl record. It’s a super critical adjustment and is usually made when...
Are Ultrasonic Record Cleaners Worth the Money?
By Steffen Smith
Hopefully, you’ve checked out the Deaf Man's previous blogs and videos on the best ways to clean your vinyl records. So far, we’ve covered how to bust the dust using a carbon fiber brush and a Discwasher pad. We’ve gone...
Do First Pressings Sound Better?
By Steffen Smith
I get a lot of questions about first pressings of records. Specifically, “Are the first versions of an album more valuable?” And, “Do first pressings sound better?” The answer to the first question is yes. First pressings of a vinyl record are generally more desirable.
How to Grade & Value Your Records — Part 2
By Steffen Smith
This is part 2 in the series where the Deaf Man shares his knowledge of grading and valuing your vinyl records. Do you have the next $100,000 vinyl record in your closet somewhere? Here’s how to find out. You can also read more about first pressings here. (Be sure to check out part 1 of this video series here.) -
Bust the Dust: Learn the Best Way to Clean Vinyl Records
By Steffen Smith
I know, I know. Everybody thinks they have the best way for cleaning dirty records. I always say if you want to start a fight at a record show, ask a couple of hardcore vinyl guys for some record cleaning tips. A riot will break out. Because everybody’s got an opinion. Everybody thinks their method works best. They've got the best record cleaning kit and they will absolutely bore you to tears explaining their incredibly detailed, anal-retentive process for cleaning records.
How to Grade & Value Your Records
By Steffen Smith
The Deaf Man shares his knowledge in this Youtube video “record selling masterclass.” Learn about artists that always sell, how to value your own records and grade according to the accepted Goldmine standards — and discover if you're sitting on gold! -
How to Deep Clean Your Records
By Steffen Smith
The Deaf Man shares his tips in this Youtube video on the best way to clean your valuable vinyl records of persistent dust — without creating mudd and cement!